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What to Wear

What to Wear:

Comfortable casual wear is fine for coaching sessions, roll-ups and social bowling generally. The only requirement, to protect the playing surface, is that you wear flat soled shoes with no heel. You can buy flat-soled bowls shoes, with no tread, or wear trainers with a very shallow tread pattern (or grooves) less than a 3mm deep. If you do buy bowls shoes white is the traditional standard.  However, Bowls England has agreed to any colour flat soled footwear for any match regardless to whether it is a County Competition, Internal Competitions or friendly matches.


Match Dress Code:

In order to standardise appearance for team games, etc. a Dress Code has been adopted by the Club for matches.  This includes a colour schemed Club zip-up top & polo shirt. Both can be purchased from behind the bar at a nominal cost.


These are worn whenever representing the Club in friendly matches, leagues and most external competition games.  They may, of course, be worn on any other bowling occasion too.


On most occasions e.g. the week day leagues, the colour for trousers, socks, shorts or skirts will be mid-grey (if you buy bowls-specific clothes the shade of grey won’t be problematic).  However, for inter-club friendly games, competition finals, white trousers, socks, shorts or skirts are expected. These are typically events at the weekend. Appropriate dress will usually be noted in the Fixture Booklet for each fixture but your Mentor or any member will advise, if you have any doubt.


 For matches shorts should be smart and close to knee length.


Whilst white is traditional, bowls shoes can be any colour for any type of game. To protect the grass, all shoes worn on the Green must be flat-soled with no tread or with a very a shallow tread pattern (or grooves) less than a 3mm deep.


For wet occasions, white weatherproof gear should be worn with either grey or white clothes underneath.  

Suitable and unsuitable bowls shoes
IBC badge and polo shirt colours
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