Access to Club & Parking
Car parking is available in the Club car park in Brigham Road. The car park is small, so please reverse in and park as far back as you can. Once you have paid your first year’s subscription, the Membership Secretary can provide you, for a nominal deposit, a key which will give you entry to the car park. You may access the car park at any time (please do it quietly). Always consider the needs of others arriving after you or leaving before you. It is good practise to display a name badge in your windscreen to help identify your car if it needs moving.
Alternatively, there is nearby free parking evenings and weekends at Thameside Promenade Car Park off Richfield Avenue. From here the Island is just a short riverside walk under Caversham Bridge.
The car park key also opens a small buzzer box affixed to a tree, left of the lamp post on the jetty, at the end of Brigham Road. The buzzer alerts folk on the Island that you need the ferry. Please remember to snap the gate lock and buzzer box lock shut after use to avoid loss of these small but very expensive items.
If you do not have a key or require a pick up from the opposite bank, please just call the Island phone 01189 576593 to alert us.
The parking spaces on the river frontage belong to the house owners who live there, so respect the fact that we do not have permission to use them.
Boat Behaviour – Staying Safe
Our only access to the club is via our ferry, which is manned by volunteer members trained to operate the boat. Once called please be patient as that person may be playing a bowls match. If you would like to be added to the list of volunteer ferry boat operators, we can supply the lessons – please ask your mentor to put you forward.
Rivers are very enjoyable but remember they can also be very dangerous. The ferry boat operator is trained to be safety-aware and passengers must obey his instructions during loading/unloading and crossing of the river. Expect the boat you travel on to already be equipped with a lifebuoy and paddle and also to be using navigation lights at night. If not, ask why not!
Please use only the steps to get in or out of the boat. Remain seated during the crossing and under no circumstances start to "rock the boat".
Gates and nets have been placed across the landing stage on the Island to discourage ducks and geese from the Green. Please remember to close these gates if you are the last one leaving.